in her memory


i was mia from blogging most of last week because billy’s grandma passed away on tuesday morning.  she had gone in for a serious surgery week before last, but she made it through the surgery just fine.  unfortunately there were complications about three days later and the good Lord decided it was time for her to go and be with him.  last week was rough on our family, but we know that she is in a better place.  for the funeral billy’s aunt’s printing company made these beautiful bookmarks for everyone to have in her memory.  the picture is a picture of her at our wedding.  she looked so beautiful that day.  “grandma,” as we called her, was a beautiful, vivacious woman of God.  her spirit touched everyone she was around.  we will miss her very much but we were so blessed to have had her in our life.


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1 comment:

  1. My dad looked healthier and younger and more at peace than I ever remember him looking ~ I know Billy's grandmother is loving being in that most beautiful garden and they shall know us when we get there :) Tell Billy that his family is covered in prayers from someone that cares in Prattville, Alabama.


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